

Malaria is the leading cause of clinic visits and the number-one cause of inpatient deaths in Liberia. Malaria transmission occurs year-round in all geographic areas of Liberia and affects all ages. The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has been working to improve coverage of insecticide-treated nets and artemisinin combination therapy for children under age five and has helped improve uptake of preventive treatment for pregnant women. Timely and quality reporting of these indicators is necessary to make informed programmatic decisions.

PMI funded PMI Measure Malaria (PMM) to provide technical support to the Liberia National Malaria Control Program to strengthen the health information system (HIS) for improved malaria data collection, analysis, and use in decision making. PMM activities in Liberia included ensuring the malaria surveillance, monitoring and evaluation (SME) technical working group meetings happen regularly and outputs of the meetings are actionable and documented, ensuring data are available and used through DHIS2 and monthly bulletins, and mentoring county-level malaria focal persons on data collection, review, and use.

Learn about PMI’s work in Liberia.

See the World Health Organization’s general country statistics.

Visit Liberia’s Ministry of Health website.

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