tr-19-337-3.pdf (851 KB)

The Malaria Technical Area (MTA) of the United States Agency for International Development-funded MEASURE Evaluation projectwith support from the Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI)has increased its country presence in priority countries to provide direct technical support to national malaria control programs (NMCPs). This support is provided through a MEASURE Evaluation-appointed malaria resident advisor (MRA). MRAs have extensive experience in malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME), and their responsibilities consist of overseeing MEASURE Evaluations in-country work, developing close relationships with the NMCP, and liaising with the MTA headquarters staff. Depending on the scope of the countrys portfolio, additional SME staff may provide support to the MRA and form the rest of the in-country team.
Each MRA has a tailored set of duties and challenges related to the needs of his or her assigned countrys NMCP. Although each MRA works to achieve the same goal of supporting the NMCP, there is limited direct interaction across countries. To promote the exchange of MRA experiences and lessons learned, MEASURE Evaluation hosted a meeting in October 2017 under the theme, MEASURE Evaluations Malaria Technical Area: Transitioning to effective NMCP leadership in generating and using malaria information. This four-day cross-fertilization meeting brought together MRAs and NMCP staff from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Liberia, Madagascar, and Mali to discuss approaches and experiences in providing effective support to NMCPs. The meeting objectives were as follows:
- Understand MTA in-country activities and how they link with NMCP needs in SME
- Review country strategies to support NMCPs and identify best practices
- Develop a platform to optimize and utilize team expertise across countries
This report summarizes the meeting, synthesizes best practices and lessons learned from providing technical support to NMCPs and collaborating with stakeholders, and presents a strategy for continued cross-country exchange of expertise and experience.