

Severe malaria ranks among the top-five causes of reported overall mortality in Madagascar. Malaria epidemiology varies across the country; however, the entire population is considered to be at risk for the disease. The 2018–2022 Malaria National Strategic Plan stratifies the country into malaria epidemiologic clusters based on the intensity of malaria transmission in order to better target interventions. The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has been working to scale up malaria control interventions and distribute critical commodities to vulnerable populations.

PMI funded PMI Measure Malaria (PMM) to improve data quality and availability while leveraging existing platforms for collaboration and coordination among USAID implementing partners. PMM worked in Madagascar to improve malaria data quality, availability, and use by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and Direction de la Veille Sanitaire, la Surveillance Épidémiologique et la Riposte (DVSSER) through technical working group meetings, data reviews, and operational strengthening. PMM also supported the NMCP’s work to improve malaria data analysis and use at subnational levels and to develop dashboards for monitoring key malaria indicators.

Learn about PMI’s work in Madagascar.

See the World Health Organization’s general country statistics.

Visit Madagascar’s Ministry of Health website.

Use of Malaria Mobile Dashboard and Scorecard Applications at Health Facilities to Improve Malaria Prevention, Service Delivery, and Commodity Management in Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar

Improving the Quality of Health Program Data in Madagascar

Strengthening Governance of the Health Information System in Madagascar

Increasing Access to Comprehensive Health Information with the Integration of Private Sector Data in the DHIS2 National Health Information System

Increased Access and Use of Malaria and Other Health Program Data in Madagascar Has Improved Decision Making

Use of Malaria Mobile Dashboards and Scorecard Applications to Access Data at Health Facilities Has Improved Service Delivery and Commodity Management in Cote D’Ivoire and Madagascar

Increasing Health Facilities’ Access to Health Information for Decision Making and Operational Plan Development in PMI Measure Malaria Supported Districts in Madagascar

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